

The side of the 30' trailer under the shade is our Communications center. This is where you will find the following resources:

Job Board— This is a large galvanized metal panel with grid lines. The labels are the days of the week across the top and our work shift tasks down the side. Every member gets 3 magnetic discs with their name and picture on them to claim their work shifts. You will also find a stapled collection of papers on a string near this board. This is all the job descriptions for the tasks on the board. Check these descriptions before asking questions please.

Message Whiteboard— There will be 3 of these. Each will be marked with the day of the week. Write your message to another camper on the appropriate day. After 3 days, the first board will be erased and become the new board. David (the camp leader) has his own special whiteboard. If you need to leave a message to camp leadership, put it on this board.

Mailbox— You can leave lengthier or private messages here. You can alert a camper that you have left them a message by making a note on the whiteboard

Medical Emergency— Everyone who registered for camp listed an emergency contact on their registration. These contacts can be found here. If a campmate is injured and taken to Emergency services, They will probably send someone back to our camp to alert us. If you are the person talking to the Paramedics, please consult this list to determine who should be told about their trip in the helicopter to the Reno Hospital.

Service Providors— These signs are actually on the facilities serviced by the providers. These are whiteboards posted on posts where the service provider can notate when they filled a tank or cleaned a tank or dropped off a drum of fuel.

This Wiki— This Wiki will be available in 2 forms. There will be a printed version dangling from a string on the side of the trailer. There will also be an electronic version on a laptop in the trailer. The intention for the laptop is on-playa edits, not camp access. It is only to be edited by the Wiki coordinator while on-playa.