
Getting to Burning Man from a Foreign Country

This is a How-To document for members of Camp Naked Heart who will be arriving from a foreign country. I have asked each of you to collaboratively fill out sections for which you have particular knowledge and experiences. It is not meant to be complete or authoritative in this first pass, simply fill in what you have done, needed contact info. Here are the major headings. Feel free to add any others you think are necessary.


Airports to Fly Into

Reno is closest. SF has tons of burners though, and may be easier to find a ride from. Make sure you secure a ride as soon as possible.

Transportation from airport to playa

Naked Heart, Camp Contact and Anahasana Village all have ride boards that will connect you with other travelers. [LINKS NEEDED]

There is a distinct advantage to riding with a local as they can better accommodate Early Arrival (EA), bikes and all that kind of stuff. If you value all that they provide, consider paying them as much as you would pay for the Burner Bus. You can use your existing contacts and any facebook groups with Burning Man focus to look for rides. There are also buses that can take you there. They go right past the queue, which is very nice, as some years the queue takes many hours of crawl speed. Early Arrival by Thursday will minimize the wait in the entry que.

The Bus is called the Burner Bus: One-way tickets are $71 from Reno and $105 from SF. There is no pick up at the SF airport. The Reno Bus will stop at the Reno Sav Mart market to allow you to pick up supplies. Although the Bus will get you in a little early if you have an Early Arrival pass, it won’t get you in as early as we would like for EA pass holders. It is Naked Heart’s goal to get EA pass holders in by Thursday. New in 2016, the Burner Bus will get you in on Saturday without an Early Arrival Pass. This is significant!! This will allow you to get a cheaper flight into Reno before the big rush. I suggest that you fly in on Friday, take a hotel shuttle to Circus Circus where you should be able to get a room for $40. Then take the same shuttle back to the airport the next day to catch the Burner Bus.

There is also a possibility that in 2016 Camp Contact will be chartering a bus to bring in early arrivals. It is likely to operate similar to the Burner Bus and have approximately the same cost. We will know more about where it will depart from closer to April or May.

Private Plane: there is private plane service from the reno Airport to the Burning Man Airport. This is a costly but very convenient option. One disadvantage is that the Burning Man airport is on exactly the opposite side of Burning Man from where Naked Heart is typically sited. (Melanie, can you put some contact and pricing info here)


Places to provision before heading to the playa Reno, Sparks, and Gerlach both have bikes to buy for the Burn. They’ll typically run you $50-60. If you want to make sure you get one, book one from one of the sites immediately - they run out quickly. And you’ll want a bike. [LINK NEEDED]

Sav Mart in Reno is set up with supplies for Burners and is easy to get to from the airport:


Items that you NEED to bring with you to Camp Naked Heart

All you really need are:

  • tent
  • sleeping pad
  • sleeping bag
  • some clothes (warm ones too)
  • daypack with water bottle
  • wet wipes
  • towel
  • toilet paper
  • bike and lock (optional but worth the effort to obtain)
  • lighting for you, your bike (if you have one)
  • lip balm
  • 5 gallons of water (Naked Heart supplies all your water, this is in the spirit of Radical Self Reliance. If rain comes and water is not delivered (due to slick roads), your health won’t be compromised if you have enough for yourself)

Naked Heart is designed to be fly-in friendly. We provide all the communal gear so that you don’t have to.

Items you can bring for extra comfort

  • Camelbak (a backpack with built-in water bag and hose to drink from)
  • Tight glasses and breathing mask or scarf vs dust devils (dust storms)
  • Lighting for your tent (inside and out)
  • Mug
  • Sun lotion,sun glasses and a hat to save you from sun burn
  • A bottle to pee in to keep in your tent to save you from a run to the portapotties in the middle of the night
  • vinegar to neutralize playa dust on your feet
  • hand lotion to restore your feet and hands each night

Fun stuff

  • Costumes
  • Gifts to give away to people you meet


Bikes are much more important than you might imagine and they are very difficult for people flying in to manifest. Fortunately there is a campmate who has some bikes available. We will include information about bikes sometime around April.