
Sex-A-Yurt Usage

The Sex-A-Yurt is a hexayurt set up as private intimate space for camp members to use.

This is designed to help with the universal problem of tent living. You want to have some sexy time with a partner or new friend but your tent or their tent is full of clothes from last night, pee bottles, etc., etc. With the Sex-A-Yurt you can have a massive space that is communally kept clean and delightful. It has a massage table and probably a comfy folding mattress. It is often stocked with massage oil lube, soft lighting and an endless supply of clean sheets. Please respect the space by keeping it tidy, sanitary and clean.

There is a sign outside the Sex-A-Yurt:

When using the yurt, set the sign to the appropriate setting. Be very mindful to set it back to "Unoccupied" as you leave.

A note about the "Company Welcome" setting. With only one Sex-A-Yurt for the whole camp, it may be difficult for to find time available. Those who are conscious of this and have open attitudes may put the setting at "Company Welcome". This does not necessarily mean they are trying to kick off a play party or that they necessarily want to play with you. It may be that they are going to give a 2 hour massage using the table and that the bed is free if you want to respectfully come in for a quickie with your sweetie. The sign is not a crutch for poor communication, basically it says "ask us."

If you use massage sheets (for any purpose) dispose of them in the soiled sheet duffel outside the Sex-A-Yurt. If the sheet is soiled beyond launderability, put it in the trash corral, there is a corner there for burnables.

Do not nap in Sex-A-Yurt. Yes, it is air conditioned and comfortable, but doing so prevents other people from accessing it.

Usage of the Sex-A-Yurt is Members Only. Of course you may bing your new playa honey there, but at least one of the people using the Yurt must be a member of Naked Heart