
Flat Top Shade Structures

These structures are some of the first ones up and last ones down. We use them as our first and last refuges while we are building our camp. During the Burn they are private residences.

These structures are made from 3/4' EMT and swapper fittings

swapper fittings

Structure 1 is 10' x 20' x 7' tall. It is covered with specially sewn vinyl panels and it has a triple roof. First build the roof structure using 10' sticks. This structure has a roof cover that is a little too tight and there are 2 sticks that are slightly shorter than 10' use these in the same bay in a lengthwise orientation. All the fittings for this structure are painted purple. Stretch a couple 10' x 12' brown/silver tarps over the frame securing with ball bungees. Attach guy lines to all the corners and intersections using bowlines. Lay silvered bubble wrap over these tarps and install the roof vinyl. Put in a few playa staples in the upwind direction and get a few people to help install the legs on one side, then install the legs on the other side. Be sure to use feet on all the legs. Playa staples and guy lines all around. install the side walls first and then wrap with the back wall. Once the walls are in, adjust the legs to tension the wall fabric. Pin the feet to prevent movement. Install the wall flashing and floors.

Structure 2 is 10' x 30' x 7' tall and typically adjoins the 10' wall of Structure 1. All the fittings for this structure are painted red. Again, lay out the 10' x 30' roof structure. Add an additional sliding ell to make a narrow door. Use a 10' x 30' silver tap for the roof. Install guy lines at all fittings using bowlines. Get some helpers to install the legs and get it stapled down ASAP. Install walls. Pin the feet to match the walls.

Bob may want to write more here in regards to precise construction details. A drawn plan would be helpful too.