

The first rule of Naked Heart rope: If you don't know exactly what that rope is for, DO NOT cut it!!

There are some very important special-use ropes in camp. If you cut them or use them for something else, we won't be able to build the camp!

Rope is an important material in Naked Heart. We have managed to focus most of our robe use down to just a few kinds of rope.

1/4" double braid- This is the rope that has been cut to 10' lengths and is used to guy down the perimeter of the Solarium. There are a few extras of these and they get put to a variety of uses. Make sure they do not get lost.

1/4" flat braid- There is a huge bin of this and it is used for many, many uses around camp. It is left over from an old hot air balloon that we bought and it is our go-to cordage. You can usually find just the length you ned, so try to avoid cutting, but if you must, that's OK. The ends unravel quite easily so if you do cut it, try to heat seal the end.

3/8" colored "double braid"- This is Home Depot rope and is absolute crap. It has a breaking strength of about 75#. The only significant place that it is used is in the guy lines for the 2 flat top shades. Do not use it for anything critical. It is pretty good for strapping loads on trucks.

1/2" double braid- There are about 6 hanks of nice looking double braid. These are support lines and halyards for our 40' mast. Don't mess with them.

Paracord- 1/8 " white braid. This is useful for many purposes. It came off an old parachute and we have a fair amount. Use it for whatever you like.