
This is a collaborative first person narrative. It is intended to be a chronological story telling of what you might expect joining up with Naked Heart. Although the personal pronoun is always "I",there is no implied gender here. Feel free to edit in your own stories to add to the composite.

I heard about Naked Heart from a friend who went last year. They said that it was really well-run and that there were lots of cool people there. They said I would feel very welcome because most of the people in the camp were meeting each other for the first time. I decided to check it out.

I was im pressed with the web site. It said that it was devoted to the "Full Expression of the Divine Feminine." That's a great place to start. There was a lot of info on the web site, more than I could absorb, actually. I probably read only a fraction of it before I just signed up.

A couple weeks later I got an acceptance letter in the mail