
Back Up Chef 1** — Gives the Chef a break so that they can have their burn

Back Up Chef 2** — Gives the Chef a break so that they can have their burn

Food management*** —Works with the chef to segregate ingredients so that Guest chefs have what they need

Kitchen Infrastructure** —Knows where alll the equipment is stored and how it alll works. Answers guest chef questions

Workshift Coordinator*** — Manages the job board and instills accountability to job commitments

LNT** — Leave No Trace (LNT) is the person who has a watchful eye around trash and debris problems so that we can leave the playa cleaner than we found it.

Electrical** — The GoTo person for all electrical problems during the Burn

Plumbing** — The GoTo person for all plumbing problems during the Burn

Common Space* —The person keeping a watchful eye on clutter and chaos in our common areas

Workshop coordinator*** —Big one. Our major gift on the playa is workshops and we need to support our workshop leaders with the equipment and tools to be successful. This person makes sure all runs smoothly

Consentaur- Consent Team Leader** —Naked Heart is about examining life at the edge of our comfort zone. This male/female team helps when we have gone over that edge

Build Week Foreman*** —This is David's right-hand person during build week. Helps run the work crews.

Breakdown Foreman*** —This is David's right-hand person during strike. Helps run the work crews.

Trailer Packing*** —You learn this job during Build and do it during Strike. Gets all our shit back in the box

Yurt Lead*** —Responsible for creating work crews to build yurts

Yurt helper** —Responsible for leading a work crew to build yurts

Camp Only Program lead** —Responsible for organizing and promoting camp only events that are not in the schedule

Public Spaces Wrangler** —Responsible for knowing how clean our Central village courtyard should be and working with workshifts to make it happen

Firmware coordinator** —Responsible for Coordination with those f bringing Firmware so that it is deployed and retracted properly

Arrival On-Boarding** —Concierge service to help acclimate new arrivers to camp

Tent Locating** —Concierge service to Tetris tent placement in the Soularium

Magnet Making** —Off-playa job to collect images and make the file the prints the stickers for work shift magnets

New-Comer on-boarder** —Off-playa job to bring late joiners up to speed with past editions of letters and such

Some of these jobs are so major that they count as workshifts. The asterisks indicate their value:

*** Counts as 3 workshifts

** Counts as 2 workshifts

* Counts as 1 workshift