
Trash System

Naked Heart provides a system for collecting and segregating refuse, but ultimately it is up to every camp member to practice radical self reliance and take all the trash we generate home for disposal.

We segregate trash into 4 varieties:

Wet Trash— Some people might also call this compost except that we do not compost it. We collect in 55 gal. fiber barrels and take it to the landfill as a service provided by the camp. No one wants to take wet smelly leaky garbage home with them. We have a very specific way of dealing with wet garbage that is outlined here. What you need to remember is that bad things happen if the liner bags are poked. DO NOT place anything in the wet garbage that is sharp: bamboo skewers, pineapple tops, etc.

Burnables— This is anything that could conceivable catch fire and turn mostly to ash without emitting lots of toxic fumes. This would be cardboard, napkins, paper towels, used massage sheets, milk cartons, egg cartons etc. It DOES NOT include:

Recyclables— We use an extremely conservative definition here. That is because these bags will be taken some by campers and put in their municipal recycling bins. We have to assume that their municipality may not take some of the more oddball stuff. Generally you should put steel cans, aluminum cans and plastic drink bottles. DO NOT put milk cartons, tin foil, paper, plastic wrappers. Also make sure that containers are dry in clean. It could be YOUR car that takes this bag home!!

Land Fill— This is everything else. Be very careful with sharp objects. These bags will be carried home in someone's car and we don't want to make a mess all over their upholstery with a pierced bag. Put sharp objects into something that can contain them. NO WET GARBAGE. We don't want this to stink when driven home 500 miles... the car that stinks may be yours!