

Expectation is nothing but pre-meditated resentment

Or to put it differently: "All disappointments require adequate planning".

The playa is a unique place and Burning Man is a unique situation where anything can happen and often does. There is no way that we as a camp can provide a stable predictable environment and we wouldn't want to if we could. It would destroy one of the most transformational aspects of the entire experience.

This is a roundabout way of saying, just because you read something in this orientation, that is no guarantee that things will be that way on the playa. The purpose of this document is to spread the institutional knowledge that is used to create this camp as far and as wide as possible. It is neither wise nor healthy to have only one or two people hold all the essential knowledge.

Hopefully first time burners who read these pages will get a better idea of where they can fit themselves into the build process. Veteran Naked Heart family can modify these documents to create better clarity that we can all benefit from.

The infrastructure and methods we use are just a support for our greater purpose— opening our hearts. Don't get caught up in the details. Do not use any of these words as gospel to judge or shame your campmates. We are creating a new reality.