

The Kitchen is a 16' x 24' structure with 8' walls. It is assembled from 1-3/8" galvanized tubing and swapper fittings. What are swapper fittings? All the poles in this structure are 8' long except the ridgepole which is 10' long.

Begin by laying out a 2 pole by 3 pole grid. The 2 center connectors are 6 way connectors (6 way or 5 way?) to support the ridge pole and truss strap. There are 3 floating poles that use sliding Tees in the center; they hold lights over the work tables. There are also sliding tees on each end of the north wall to form the door openings. Use long 1" straps and ratchets to cinch the entire structure together. Add tees under the 6 way fittings for a truss strap. Insert the ridge pole and duct tape a soccer ball on each end to protect the fabric. Add guy straps to each of the intersections. Add 2 straps to each center joint on the back wall for the down straps.

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Install the top vinyl. Only cinch the webbing enough to hold it in place. If you cinch too much in the beginning you won't get it started on the other side. Get a bunch of people together to help and lay out leg poles at each joint. Lift one side and then the other. Install sliding Tees at each wall that gets a horizontal pole to support cabinets. Install the horizontal poles. Install all feet, and shimmy the structure into final position. Strap to trailer to secure it. Get some side straps in too.

Start installing the walls. The back wall goes on last as it wraps the side walls. Install the floor, sliding the floor fabric under the pole bases. Once all the walls and floor are in place, bump the leg bases into place to tension the walls and spike them down. Be certain that the set anchors for the bases are pointing inward. The 2 bases on the sliding tees for the door need to have their set screws pointing toward the corner so that it doesn't interfere with the fabric wrap.

Drive a circus stake near the structure at the mid panel front and back. Bring the 2 adjacent straps down to this stake. This provides some downward pressure where it is needed. The entire back wall is cinched to the semi trailer. The only straps on the downwind side go left and right.

Install the dust shields on the 3 walls that do not have doors. Install the upper cabinets. These are all the same except the back wall has an extra horizontal shelf for the spices. Simply strap them to the upper and lower rails and adjoining legs.

Install all overhead lighting prior to populating the kitchen with tables, shelves and stuff. The electrical comes in near the reefers and into the rafters. Power goes to the lighting snake, and the extension cords. There are extension cords on both sides of the north wall and on the south wall. All extension cords are above the tables. The lighting snake powers rope lights with one switch and work spots with the other switch. All lighting runs are shown on the images below.


While the lighting is being hung, the metro shelves and hand wash station can be assembled. The tables can be erected and the sinks installed. This is a good time to connect the foot pumps to the sinks. When the main power is run to the rafters and the rope lights have been run along the east wall, the reefers can be brought in. When the electrical is complete bring in all the tables and shelves. Put the inlet tubes of the foot pump into the water reservoir. Install the kitchen doors.

The rest of the kitchen work involves bringing in the equipment and supplies. This is best directed by the kitchen manager or chef.