
Horror Stories

Don't be that person

Use this section to recount newbie fails and virgin foibles. Give new campers the benefit of the lessons you learned in the school of hard knocks. (put an asterisk before your entry to create the bulleted list)

  • In 2015 someone took one of the 2 coffee cones from the kitchen back to their tent early in the week and left it there. that meant that it doubled the time that the breakfast person had to spend dripping the coffee. We finally found it on the last day of the burn. I cannot begin to tell you how many hours we spent looking for that coffee cone. Grrrrr!!
  • (This one is not about a NH camper, but still applies) One person decided to go out and mix binging alcohol and potent hallucinogens on the playa at night - alone. He ended up collapsing in the dust in the deep playa, needing to rest. During the night he became dehydrated, and nearly died. He woke up in the field hospital because some friendly souls stumbled upon him. If you decide to break out your tripping gear, please remember: safety third!
  • One of the 10 principles of Burning Man is Radical Inclusion. It generally means that we are open and welcoming of all who come our way, especially those who wander into our camp curious about who and what we are. Once a young woman with a german shepherd came walking up and started talking to a few of our camp mates. It may have been a little surprising when in a matter of moments some camp mates came running up and requested that she leave camp immediately. The underlying reality here is that animals are not allowed at Burning Man. Not even seeing eye dogs. If there is a dog on playa it is there to sniff for drugs. Our seasoned members knew this and immediately asked that the woman leave. This was no hippie burner chick, this was a DEA agent.