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How To Use this Wiki

How you use this Wiki will depend on how much experience you have with Naked Heart

First Time Burner/ Naked Heart Virgin: All the information presented here is going to seem a little overwhelming. If you are not arriving early you do not need to read a whole lot about the physical infrastructure. Make sure that you read Newby Systems Overview and the descriptions of the workshifts. You are more than welcome to read as much as you like as every little bit helps add to the communal knowledge we share. Try to refrain from editing anything beyond obvious typos.

Seasoned Naked Heart Veteran: This document is our shared institutional knowledge. It is a textual representation of all that we have collectively learned in our short history. Much of the most important info here was learned from mistakes. Help us not repeat those mistakes by learning from others and by editing the Wiki to share your own lessons.

Early Arrivers: You are actually building these structures. The more you know about their assembly details the more you can be a work crew leader on the playa. If you have actually set these structures up before you are triply valuable because you can readily absorb the information shared here because you can fully visualize it. You can also add some meaningful edits to the document.

On-Playa: It is my intention to have the entirety of this Wiki available as a print-out in a binder so that anyone can refer to it. It is also my intention that there be a laptop running this Wiki so that it can be edited live while we are there. There will be a photographer documenting all the details of structure assembly so that by 2017 it should be possible for someone armed with this document to build camp unassisted by the founders.