
Mattermost is the online messaging forum of Naked Heart. You can subscribe to it by following this link:

You can use Mattermost through your browser or you can download an App for your phone or a program for your desktop/laptop. Links to these programs can be found at the bottom of this page. For the desktop and mobile App, you will need to enter the following server info:

Once there, create an account with a username and password of your choice. Please choose a username that is the name you will use on playa.

Once you have an account on our Mattermost server, all the apps appear and operate similarly. You log into the apps with the e-mail address you used when you established your account

We will be using Mattermost for all of our internal communication for Naked Heart in 2019. This is an experiment. If it goes well, we will continue for future years. Mattermost provides:

  • Conversations grouped into channels. You need only pay attention to the conversations that directly affect you
  • Archived Conversations allow late joiners to rapidly catch up with the group mind
  • Controllable Notification. You can control how often Mattermost alerts you to new messages. It is very easy to see which threads have been recently updated
  • Meeting your campmates. You will have the ability to usefully interact with those you will be camping with in this year

Most of the functionality of the program is easy intuited by simply using it. There is online help available should you need it. Here are some pointers that may not be obvious:

Desktop/Browser Version

Some of these directions may have changed with newer software versions. Let me know or edit this page directly is any of this is untrue.

  • If you use the @ symbol before a user name in a message, it will ping that user that they have been specifically referenced. You can also search for all instances where you have been referenced using the @ button at the top right of your screen
  • You can flag a post by clicking the flag button that pops up near the time stamp of a post. You can find all the posts you have flagged by clicking the flag icon at the upper right of your screen. Only you can see the flags on these posts. They are your own private bookmark
  • If you pin a post it is like flagging a post for everyone to see. You pin a post by opening the ... menu to the right of each post. You can see a list of all pinned posts for that channel by clicking the pin button at the top right of the screen
  • If you click the more.. button under the channels list, it will provide a list of all the channels you can join

Mobile Version

If you already had the phone app installed and are having difficulties logging in, follow these steps:

  1. log out
  2. log in to this server:
  3. use the login credentials you joined with in previous steps
  • If you use the @ symbol before a user name in a message, it will ping that user that they have been specifically referenced. You can also search for all instances where you have been referenced by clicking the sideways ... icon at the upper right of your home screen.
  • You can flag a post by pressing and holding the contents of a post. A menu appears and you can flag from there. You can find all the posts you have flagged by clicking the sideways ... icon at the upper right of your home screen. Only you can see the flags on these posts. They are your own private bookmark
  • If you pin a post it is like flagging a post for everyone to see. You pin a post by pressing and holding the contents of a post. A menu appears and you can pin from there.You can see a list of all pinned posts from menu that is revealed by clicking the channel title when in that channel.
  • If you click the + button under the channels list, it will provide a list of all the channels you can join.

Be sure to join the Introductions channels and tell us a little bit about yourself. Mattermost doesn't have detailed user profiles, so we are using this instead.

You can avoid information over-load by disabling the notifications in Mattermost. There is a pull-down menu accessed from your account icon in the upper left corner in the desktop version. The same options are in the upper right corner of the mobile version.

It is our hope that by segregating all Naked Heart communications from other sources of noise (like FB) that it will be easier to work together as a group. This is a new system and we would love to have some feedback on how it can be made better in the Mattermost channel on Mattermost.