
Shade for Tents

One of the resources that Naked Heart provides with your Ante is shade for your tent.

Our shade structure is robust and protective. It cuts the wind and the dust so that your tent can be a refuge instead of a dusty sweatbox. Our shade s a limted resource and as such we need to think of it communally. Without clear guidelines, it is human nature to bring overly large personal tents. The purpose of this document is to clarify expectations.

Size limits for tents under shade are:

64 sq. ft for a single occupant 100 sq ft. for double occupancy

• Ideally tents should be square or rectangular for easy packing.

• No tents that require guy lines (top hazard and expanded footprint)

• No tents that have central poles (bell tents)— They can tear the structure


A number of campers are gravitating towards Shiftpods. I understand why this seems like a good idea. They do have some drawbacks:

• They are 102 sq. ft. so they are only suitable for double occupancy

• They are hexagonal and do not tetris well in the shade floor plan

• There is a desire to cool them. The requires a power subscription and it is not cheap.

• They are big and heavy and do not lend themselves to being transported on the Burner Bus.

For this reason, Shiftpods are accessed a $200 fee for being located under shade. If you are bringing a tent that is larger than 64 sq. ft for single occupancy, you will also be assessed a $200 fee. Thank you for supporting our communal resources.