
Packing Up

Camp breakdown begins at noon on Sunday, before the temple burn. Every camp member is expected to participate. It is expected that every camp member will be able to participate and that means not flying high on hallucinogens.

The goal for Sunday breakdown is to:

  1. completely disassemble both domes
  2. move to the temporary kitchen in the 30' trailer and 10 x 30 flat top shade
  3. switch to paper plates and pack up the majority of the kitchen supplies
  4. Breakdown the greeter station
  5. Breakdown the public bike racks
  6. Breakdown Sex-A-Yurt
  7. Burn all burnables

That leaves the communal shade, the cuddle yurt, the Solarium and the kitchen shell standing.

Monday Morning we:

  1. Breakdown Kitchen structure
  2. Breakdown Cuddle Yurt
  3. Stage bikes for storage
  4. Distribute extra food to campers
  5. Move last minute food to ice chests and clean fridges
  6. Begin packing trailer
  7. Fill trailer water tank and switch water source to trailer (late eve.)
  8. Disassemble shower (late eve.)
  9. Breakdown 10 x 30 (late eve.)
  10. Go to hot springs

Tuesday Breakdown

  1. Load trash in truck
  2. drop Solarium
  3. Breakdown 10 x 20
  4. finish loading trailer
  5. drop communal shade
  6. lock trailer
  7. final load on 30' trailer
  8. Exit playa by 5 pm

Of course, it takes only one wind storm (or rain storm) to blow all these plans to hell, but a man can dream