
Dish Washing

Dish Washing Process — Overview

  1. Scrape— Use the rubber spatula to squeegee ALL of the material off your dish and into the compost bin
  2. Initial wash— Use the long handled scrub brush to remove all food particles from your dish. NO GREASY PANS HERE!! Pre-wash all greasy pans separately
  3. Soapy Wash— Use the scrubber sponge to completely clean your dish
  4. Rinse— thoroughly rinse all soap residue from your dish
  5. Sanitize— Immerse your dish 10 seconds in sanitizing solution. Hold over sanitization bin a few seconds for it to drip
  6. Drain— Place dish in drain rack. If rack is full take entire rack to metal shelves in kitchen and bring a new rack.

Changing Dish Water If the Initial rinse is greasy and gross, pour it into the sump under the sink. Pour the soapy wash water into the Initial wash bin and add 1/2 cup degreaser. Pour the rinse water into the Soap wash bin and add 1/2 cup dish soap. Pour the sanitizer into the Rinse Bin. Refill the Sanitizer with water from the faucet at the shower station and add 2 sanitization tablets.

Dish Washing Process — Details for Experts

Dishes are a perennial issue for almost any Burning Man camp or group living situation. The more ease and love and light we can introduce into the mix the greater our chance for success. If everyone in camp were to just do the 6 steps above we would have an abundance of ease. If just 10% of our camp were to absorb the points below, we could solve almost 100% of our difficulties.

  1. Use initial wash water to wash big dirty pots by pouring it into the pot. But DON'T put the rinse water back into the bin. Pour it into the catch basin below the hand wash station. This keeps the initial wash water useable as long as possible.
  2. If the wash bins are not going to be used overnight or if a dust storm is coming, cover them with the covers.
  3. There is a sponge holder in the wash basin. Return the sponge to the holder so that it is easy to find
  4. The wash table is 2 sided. Make 2 lines to double the usability.
  5. If you are servicing the dish washing station prior to an evening meal, pre-fill the 2 extra bins with sanitizer water, put their lids on and store them under the table. That way all that is necessary to change the dish water is to remove the initial rinse bin and move all the other bins down. Add the new sanitizer bin and add soap and degreaser to the final 2 bins. Easy.