
Misting System

This is a cooling system for the chill dome. It consists of:

24" Fan

1500 psi pressure wash pump

Circular manifold of mist nozzles zip tied to face of fan.

The mist nozzles often plug up during storage. They have VERY small orifices and are almost impossible to clean. There are extra nozzles in the hardware storage box. We always test nozzle operation prior to final assembly.

Hook the pressure washer water supply up. It is best if you can use water that has been filtered at the kitchen manifold. Attach the high pressure line into the pump. It has a special connector. Turn the inline valve to on. Turn on the water supply and turn on the pump. Check all the mister valves. They should all have a very fine mist. If there is no mist or just a bunch of dribbles, replace them.

Once the mister valves are confirmed to work, turn off the pump and the water supply. Attach the fan to the cooling inlet tunnel. Usually this is done with a cinch line made of paracord. There is a pice of absorbent fabric that is laid in the bottom of the tunnel. This absorbs drips and becomes an evaporative surface for cooling after the mist has been shut off.

Starting Procedure

Turn on the water at the water supply manifold. Switch the rocker switch on the blue pump unit to ON. You should hear the pump operate momentarily. Open the inline valve in the pressure line from the pump to the mister fan. You should now hear the pump activate intermittently. Stopping procedure is the opposite of starting.

This entire system will be retired in the future when a swamp cooler is used instead.