
In Naked Heart there is a distinction between Hardware, Firmware and Software.

Hardware is all the infrastructure that physically builds the camp. These are things such as:

  • Shade Structures
  • Domes
  • Kitchen and utensils
  • Storage Trailers
  • Electrical and Water systems

Firmware is physical items that are contributed, owned and stored by individual camp members for group use. These are things such as:

  • Sex-A-Yurt interior
  • Goddess temple interior
  • Altar components
  • additional lighting
  • additional seating
  • additional massage tables
  • Etc.

Software is the accumulated culture and human systems that shape how we interoperate as a camp. These are things such as:

  • Leadership positions
  • expectations around contribution and self responsibility
  • expectations around consent
  • communal desires to gift into the larger city through workshops

It is useful to create the mental distinction between these three things as they are treated differently by the camp leadership.

Hardware is solely the realm of David Braun. He is open to suggestions for improvement but largely all decisions and control of this rest with him.

Firmware is where all camp members are invited to participate. There are some important guidelines to be aware of here:

  1. There is largely no camp budget to support these contributions.This is your gift to the beauty and vibrancy of the camp.
  2. There is very little time budget from David Braun for coordinating these efforts. An hour of time to talk about the grand scheme and determine the elements of the vision is about right. This hour should happen early in the planning process, definitely before April 1.
  3. There is a Firmware Leader. This is a leadership position. Once a camp member has volunteered for this position, it will be announce in a camp letter and in the Mattermost Firmware group. They can answer most your questions and put you in contact with other campers who have similar interests
  4. If you are contributing Firmware, your are personally responsible for all aspects of its deployment and storage. There is no room in camp storage for any Firmware.
  5. Unless you have prior permission, Firmware should not be deployed prior to Friday of build week.
  6. Unless you have prior permission, Firmware must be fully removed and packed into your vehicle prior to noon on Sunday of build week.
  7. Firmware should not contribute to MOOP issues. An example of this is "decoration" in the form of silk flower garlands. They look nice when initially destroyed. They look like shit after the first dust storm and they moop silk flower parts with every subsequent storm. Please consider the re-useability and continued attractiveness of your contributions under all playa conditions.
  8. If you are considering a Firmware contribution, run your ideas through the Firmware Mattermost group to collect input and enroll helpers for your idea.

Software is the accumulated culture of our camp. Some of this has erupted spontaneously and some of it was intentionally created,

An example of intentionally created culture is our magnet board where we sign up for work shifts. This system replaced a whiteboard system that was difficult to read or edit. An example of a spontaneously generated software culture is the rule about not napping in the Sex-A-Yurt: it was noticed that people were sleeping in the Sex-A-Yurt since it was air conditioned and it prevented people from using it for its intended purpose. The camp simply decided that this should be discouraged for greater good of all, it was spoken into existence and added to this Wiki.