

Time frame: 7:30 to 9:30 am - ish

Duration: 2 hours

Crew members: 2

Description: Picking up from the "early bird" breakfast shift, you will be facilitating the self-serve breakfast, keeping the kitchen clean and organized during the shift, and preparing cold beverages in the large orange beverage coolers.

Priorities during breakfast are:

  • keep water on the boil and available for coffee and tea, as needed
  • make coffee - or help others make coffee - as needed
  • keep the serving table clean, organized, and appetizing
  • check the daily menu and make sure there is always enough bread, eggs, and menu items available at all times. If boiled eggs for breakfast are up that day, check the red recipe book for an easy way to do this in large quantity.
  • as needed, remind people to clean their own dishes (to keep the area serviceable)
  • clean any kitchen dishes that stack up (no personal dishes!)
  • optional: organize an offering such as grilled cheese-onion-tomato sandwiches or a big pan of scrambled eggs - just get it started and let interested people keep it going! A more communal effort can be fun and also cut down on congestion.

Cold Beverages

As time permits and before you leave make sure that all the large beverage coolers are filled. They will be labeled for the day, so be sure they are full with that item (it could be Gatorade, horchata, hibiscus or peppermint tea, cucumber cooler, lemon cooler - see label!).

  1. Clean the containers.
  2. For Gatorade, mix as directed on the label and then add about 20% extra water. Check the red recipe book for recipes if you don't know how to make what is indicated on the label.
  3. Check if there is any home-made ice in the freezer (usually in large bowls), and add as needed. Don't use the bought ice cubes because they are the right size for smoothies.

Thank you for facilitating a communal breakfast and making cold beverages for the day!