
Breakfast Set Up - A job for early birds!

Time frame: 5:30 - 7:30 am - ish

Duration: 2 hours

Crew members: 1

Description: Set things up to start another great day on playa! Specifically: boil a lot of water, make beverages and oatmeal, and tidy things up to set the stage for a great self-serve breakfast.

Boil water

Start by getting *a lot* of water on the boil - one smaller pot for immediate needs (such as coffee), one medium pot for oatmeal, and one massive pot for general purposes such as making tea and coffee, boiling eggs, etc..

Set the Stage for Breakfast

While the water is on for the boil:

  • Tidy up the kitchen - put any leftover late night snacks away, clean and organize the kitchen prep / serving tables, and wash any late night snack serving dishes.
  • Check that the dish washing stations are ready for the day - they should have been changed out by the dinner crew. If they need a touch up, go ahead and upcycle the water in the bins.
  • Set up the beverage station: make sure there are always enough sweetners and creamers next to the coffee pots, and make sure that tea bags are in order and easily available.
  • Rinse 4 pump pots and make sure that the pick-up tubes are correct for that pot (don't mix them up or they won't work).

Brew coffee

Put a large coffee cone and filter on each pot. Measure out coffee (about 1 cup pe cone), and slowly pour boiling water over the coffee grounds, keeping the coffee cone filled until the pot is full.

Make Tea

This could be as simple as pointing people to the pot of hot water on the stove and having them make their own tea from tea bags, or as yummy as you making chai or a pot of non-caffeinated something. (If you make chai, people will probably love the memory of your effort forever, or at least until lunch.)

Make Oatmeal

Start a large pot of oatmeal timed so that it will be done around the end of your shift: directions are on the bag of oats. Opportunities for creativity include adding raisins, cinnamon, prunes if they are on the table for use that day...make it tasty! Put out some ripe bananas next to the finished pot!

Important: Do not leave pots unattended once you get it started - maybe enlist willing help if you need to leave for a few minutes. (Keep an eye on the flame to make sure it doesn't go out, and keep an eye on the oatmeal to make sure it doesn't burn.)

Note: There is a dedicated bacon pan that is usually stored near the refrigerators. Some people bring bacon as a gift and fry it up for everyone.

For many of us freshly brewed coffee and the smell of whatever is cooking in the kitchen is a wonderful way to start the day.....thank you for this pleasure and thank you for setting up for the breakfast crew!