
Dinner Clean Up

Time frame: 6:30 - 9:30 pm

Duration: 1.5 hours

Crew members: 6 (staggered shifts so that the entire time from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. is covered)

Description: Since there are so many things that need to be done after dinner - and so many team members to do them, and such a long time span to do them in, this could be just the team you want to be on!

And, it's a shorter shift than most.

And, it is important to get this done - and get it all done - since it sets things up for the next day. Go team! - this is definitely a teamwork/bonding opportunity, and it is up to the six of you to determine how everything on the list gets done.

In brief: early in the shift the focus is on making sure the dish washing system is ready and washing prep dishes, later the focus is on food storage, pot washing, laying out the late night snack, and making sure everything is clean for the next day.

Wash dishes - keep it all clean

The system for doing the dishes is in an article that spells it out clearly, so please everyone, study this article, especially the advanced section on the bottom. See: Dish Washing System

The dinner clean up crew needs to stay on top of the dish washing system, the dishes that were used in making dinner, the dishes that were used for serving dinner, and pots and pans.

  • at the begining of the shift, monitor the dishwashing stations to make sure wash and rinse water is clean enough for the intended purpose, and down-cycle the water as described in the dishwashing article, using water from the line to give big pots a first rinse, as needed
  • as logistics permit, keep washing the dishes that were used to make dinner - there will probably be a sinkful at all times, so it would be helpful to have someone at that station most of the time
  • as food is stored, wash serving dishes and any remaining pots and pans
  • round up stray dishes at the end of the shift and wash them

Consolidate and store lefovers

Leftovers go into the communal refrigerator. Since that fridge is often overly full, it is important to pack things up neatly using as little space as possible.

  • Insofar as possible, store leftovers in the plastic bags on top of the fridge - usually a one gallon or larger size.
  • Do not store leftovers in pots, since we need those for cooking.
  • Don't store things in large mixing bowls, we need those for prep. If a bowl has a tight fitting lid, that might be a good option, but see if the plastic bags work first.

Set out late night snacks

Check the board for any items that are scheduled for the late night snack and lay them out on the prep tables. If you are feeling inspired, make popcorn or scrounge around for non-perishables in the communal fridge!

Final tasks - important

  • make sure that the entire dishwashing system is clean and ready for the next day.
  • make sure the prep tables and counters are clean (food, not dust - good luck with the dust!)

Thank you sooo much for closing out another day in the kitchen!!!!