

Time frame: 8:30 am to midnight

Duration: 2 hours

Description: This is one of our Village contributions. Since there as many as 8 different workshops going on at any one time and all of them have the address: "Anahasana Village" we need to have traffic control and concierge service at the front entrance. Your responsibility will be to acquaint yourself with all the workshops that are coming up in the next few hours and answer questions from people who wander up. If they know the workshop that they are seeking, you will need to direct them to the correct venue. We share this duty with Camp Contact and the shifts are overlapping. That allows you to learn the intricacies of your job from both the person you are relieving and the person who is remaining. It means that you will also be training your replacement and the mid shift replacement from Camp Contact. Please show up 10min early to get a download from the person you are replacing.