
Time frame: 11:00 am - 1:00 pm

Duration: 2 hours

Description: Juicing / Smoothies master

This job gets a lot of love from appreciative camp mates and is especially suited for anyone who is 1) experienced in combining foods for maximum bio-availability of nutrients, 2) or willing to learn about this, 3) or very enthusiastic about providing a great liquid lunch.

You will be operating and cleaning a juicer with the force of a horse (1 hp), which involves a special wrench and a tiny bit of mechanical aptitude, so be sure to attend the orientation if you sign up for this job!

You will be collaborating with the lunch prep crew to make sure all the juicing and smoothies materials are available as needed.

Note: dust storms usually force all operations into the kitchen, so if that is the case do your best to set things up inside, and try to keep the dust out of things by covering them.


Depending on the schedule and what might be already cleaned and cut from the day before, your tasks will include washing and prep-ing vegetables, juicing them, and keeping an eye on "demand" to make sure it is met - which will involve washing and prep-ing more vegetables as needed.

The lunch prep crew will help you with the following:

  • thoroughly clean the prep tables and set up to process vegetables for juicing:
    • fill large bowls with water (for washing vegetables and place on table
    • set up cutting boards and knife stations
    • find large containers (or clean trash bags) to hold vegetables to be juiced (carrots, celery, beets, ginger, greens, as noted on the board for that day).

The available quantity of vegetables is somewhat set, but actual demand is the true indicator - some days people are thirsty for a power-packed liquid, and other days not so much.

Have the following available for self-serve combining:

  • one container carrot juice
  • one container apple juice
  • one container greens (celery, leafy greens)
  • one smaller container of spicy ingredients such as ginger, garlic, parsley, and the more pungent items

You can juice a selection of things according to someone's specific wishes.


Set up for smoothies - this shouldn't take more than a few minutes:

  • put frozen berries in the dining area cool box (they are in plastic bags in kitchen freezers - take one bag of each type of berry - strawberry, raspberry, mixed berries - and keep an eye on consumption - (replenish as needed up to a point)
  • set out blenders
  • set out nut butters, hemp seeds, sunflower seeds, bananas, etc. on outside table

Keep an eye on the blenders and make sure that people have what they need to keep the liquid lunches going.

Wrapping things up - important final steps

At the end of the shift the juicer must be disassembled, thoroughly cleaned, and stored.

Any unprocessed vegetables must be bagged up, labeled with the date, and stored in the cooler.

Thank you for your love of food, love of community, and love of service!