
Breakfast Set Up

Time frame: 8 am - 6 pm

Duration: 2 hours

Description: It doesn't matter what part of the day this work is done, you can even split up the work throughout the day as long as the duties are accomplished.

You are responsible for making sure that we are meeting all our Leave No Trace obligations with BMORG. They are listed here:


That is a lot of information and it is important for our LNT coordinator to know but kind of overkill if you are just doing this job once.

Specifically, your duty is to change out the liner bags of any trash cans that are full, monitor the compost level, and burn cardboard in the burn barrel.

Trash Cans: There are 4 kinds of trash:

  • Burnable
  • Recyclable
  • Landfill
  • Wet Garbage

There are lined trash cans for the first three and the last one is discussed in more detail in the section below. Each of the three cans is identified with a sign that clearly states what is and is not allowed in each can. Check to make sure that the trash is not grossly intermingled. If the can is full, seal up the bag and take it to the trash corral at the nose of the trailer. Be careful to segregate the different kinds of trash in the corral. Each kind has its own corner. Be careful to not get greasy under there as the ceiling is covered in truck grease. Install a new liner in the trash can. Liners are stored in the kitchen. Use only brand new Heavy Duty Contractor bags. The trash and recycling bags will be taken home by campers at the end of the burn. It is important that bags not leak in people's cars. That is why we exclude wet trash, sharp objects, and are very careful to use really strong bags. The one exception is burnable trash. After the trash is burned, you may return the used bag to the bottom of the burnables trash can (under the liner).

Compost Barrel: We make a LOT of wet garbage. We have found that the best way of managing it is to collect it in a well-lined fiber drum, allow it it compost down to a smaller volume and then seal it up and throw it in the dump. For this to be successful, everyone in camp needs to be mindful of a few things and for the daily LNT person to keep an eye on a few things.

First off we NEVER take the wet trash out of the barrel. We have a TON of barrels and liner bags. We keep smooshing the garbage in and allowing it to compost and de-water. When the barrel is absolutely full, we seal up the double liner bags and roll it to the trash corral. Your job as LNT person is to make sure there are no sharp objects in the trash mix and to smooth it every once in awhile to prevent wasteful air gaps. If you notice that the barrel is full, you can put out a second barrel. There should be one near the trash corral that is already fitted with a double liner and a lid sealed on. Just put it in place and take the lid off. It is OK to have 2 barrels there. The full one will become less full as the top layers start to break down.

Burn Barrel: Camp Contact maintains the Anahasana Village burn barrel. Check with their LNT person to see when they will be lighting up the burn barrel that day. Find a time to use it before or after them. Burn all the cardboard, burnable trash and massage sheets that have been left in the trash corral. Be careful that no ash escapes the barrel and clean up any that falls to the ground.