
Lunch Support and Clean Up

Time frame: 12 - 2:00 pm or 1 - 3:00 pm

Duration: 2 hours (the kitchen is covered for 3 hours by two people with overlapping shifts)

Crew members: 2 (note: there is 1 hour overlap between the two shifts)

Description: The person on the earlier shift will also provide support as needed to the juicing master, and the person on the later shift will organize and clean the common refrigerator, as needed.

Both people will make sure light snacks are available and that the kitchen is organized, clean, and ready for the dinner prep crew.

Earlier shift

  • priority: help with the juicing and smoothies operation, as needed
  • check the dishwashing system to make sure it is clean enough for effective dish washing, and if any wash bins need to be "down cycled," follow through on getting the dishwashing system ready! See: Dish Washing System
  • wash any dishes that were used for making a communal lunch (should be minimal - ask people to clean their personal dishes in the dishwashing system outside.

When both people are on shift (1 - 2 p.m.)

  • clean all common areas, especially the prep tables
  • put out afternoon snacks (see bulletin board for what is available that day, such as dried fruits and snack bars, or put out apples or other fruit, or anything that looks like it is especially ripe/ready, such as ripe bananas).
  • move dishes to the dish racks and organize them for easy use. Move all clean dishes to where they "belong."

Later shift

  • check large orange drink containers and replenish as needed (Gatorade, tea, ice, etc. see lable on container)
  • important: do a final check on the dishwashing system to make sure it is ready for dinner "action," and down cycle water bins if needed
  • finish up anything that was left undone from the items listed above
  • organize and clean the common refrigerator - it can get pretty gnarly, and if you see things that are rotting, out of whack, or leaking, please take care of it!

Thank you for transitioning the kitchen from lunch and getting it ready for dinner prep!!