
Time Frame: As needed

Duration: 2hrs as needed

Description: This roll is done by veteran campers or persons who helped with early camp building to ensure they are very familar with camp ins and outs. They are now charged with passing on this wisdom to newly arriving campmates. The tour begins as a circle in the common area with a beginning discussion and connection. Then the group walks around the camp getting to know the various areas, systems and what is expected of them in each of these spaces. This is a time of big down-loading of information so if a campmember is not able to stay awake, is inebriated or not able to pay attention, consider suggesting they wait, if possible. Offer them to do self-care, take a nap, and return refressed and ready to listen and ask questions. Lots of information on the camp's systems and ethos are kept around the work shift board on the side of the tool truck. Plese familarize yourself with these offerings.